Articles on: Accounts

How to verify my account?

Here are the steps on how to verify your account:

Step 1: To verify your account, you will need to undergo a one-time video call verification. Prepare a valid identification document (ID) such as a passport or driver's license.

Step 2: Contact WinZir's live chat support for the one-time video call verification or by clicking on the following link.

Step 3: During the video call verification, follow the instructions provided by the WinZir support team. You will be asked to present your valid ID to confirm your identity. Ensure that your ID is clearly visible on the video call.

Note: Our live chat support may require you to send a photo of your valid ID in a chat conversation as needed or necessary to conduct real time review of your document.

Step 4: Once your account has been successfully verified, you will receive confirmation from WinZir. You can then log in to your account using your username and password.

Updated on: 12/06/2023

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