How to do manual registration?
If you are experiencing issues with registering an account, you may request for a manual registration by sending us the following information:
Birthdate (Day/Month/Year)
First Name
Middle Name (if applicable)
Last Name
Complete Address
Income Source
Promo Code (optional)
Desired Username
Password (default password is P@ssw0rd, you should change it after logging in)
Email Address
Phone number
Please ensure that your mobile number and email address are correct for account security purposes, and that your personal information matches the information on your valid government ID for account verification.
Please check the updated article at
Birthdate (Day/Month/Year)
First Name
Middle Name (if applicable)
Last Name
Complete Address
Income Source
Promo Code (optional)
Desired Username
Password (default password is P@ssw0rd, you should change it after logging in)
Email Address
Phone number
Please ensure that your mobile number and email address are correct for account security purposes, and that your personal information matches the information on your valid government ID for account verification.
Please check the updated article at
Updated on: 11/04/2023
Thank you!