Articles on: Sportsbook

How to cancel bet?

You may cancel your bet as long as the "Cash Out" button is available located in your open bet or bet history details. Please note that the amount offered will depend on the performance of your selection and may be higher or lower than your original stake enabling you to guarantee a profit or minimize a potential loss. You can choose to Cash Out your bet and take the potential winnings on offer. If you choose to Cash Out, the amount offered will be settled and the final result relating to your bet will have no impact on the amount returned to your account.

Once bet has been placed, the "Cash Out" button is available located in your open bet.

Choose either for full or partial Cash Out.

You will receive a successful message once its been processed.

Please see full terms and conditions on related article: Cash out Feature

Check the updated article at

Updated on: 11/04/2023

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