Articles on: Affiliates

How to be an Affiliate?

WinZir affiliate programs involve a partnership between WinZir and a marketer in which WinZir rewards the marketer for any revenue generated through the WinZir links on the website promoted by the marketer. A commission is paid to affiliates/marketer whenever a customer is referred through their efforts and generates revenue for WinZir as a result of their efforts.

Just register on this link to become an affiliate; and as soon as your WinZir affiliate account is activated, you will get full access to all our affiliate marketing tools. Please wait within 24-48 hours upon completing your registration for the activation of your affiliate account.

If you need further details, you may reach out to our for any affiliate campaigns and concerns. For partnerships, sponsorships, deals and marketing proposals you can contact and

Updated on: 02/05/2024

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